Adur Votes

How will you vote in May’s district election?

Local elections are taking place on 2 May 2024, including for Adur District Council.

Adur Votes is a joint initiative between several community groups in the Adur area, who would like all voters in our area to feel they understand the role of our district council, to help them decide on their vote.

Here we hope to clarify the roles of our councils, and offer some possible questions you may like to ask candidates in the coming election.

Follow the discussion on our Facebook page as election day approaches.

Who does what?

Council responsibilities can be confusing. In some local elections you can vote for a parish or district council and in others for a county council. Each council is responsible for different things and they sometimes overlap.


Adur District

  • Building regulations
  • Coastal protection
  • Community safety
  • Council tax & rates
  • Elections
  • Environmental health
  • Housing
  • Licensing
  • Markets
  • Public toilets
  • Sports centres & parks
  • Street cleaning
  • Waste collection

West Sussex County Council

  • Children’s services
  • Consumer protection
  • Education
  • Emergency planning
  • Highways, lighting, traffic
  • Libraries
  • Waste management
  • Buses (inc. bus passes)
  • Public health
  • Social services
  • Trading standards

Both councils

  • Arts & recreation
  • Economic development
  • Museums & galleries
  • Parking
  • Planning
  • Tourism
  • Trees

A councillor represents a ward and is usually part of a political party, but in some cases are independent. You can check which ward you live in by looking at

What matters to you?

Here are some questions for candidates, from some of Adur’s local community groups. Perhaps these suggestions will help you consider which candidate will receive your vote in May.

The Shoreham Society

  • What other areas of Adur could be given the East Street pedestrian experience?
  • What will you do to bring diverse groups together and improve the sense of community?
  • What provision do you intend to make for young people in the Adur District and do you know what young people want?
  • How will you improve communication so that the Adur community know you are listening?
  • How will you stimulate more economic activity in Shoreham’s Brunswick Road and the High Street?
  • How are you going to ensure that there is sufficient easily accessible open space for the community given the increase in population from the development of the Western Harbour Arm?
  • How would you protect and enhance the heritage of Shoreham?

Transition Town Shoreham

  • Energy security is increasingly important. What plans do you have to enable a community energy initiative in Adur District?
  • Building local resilience, stability and security can come from increasing local food production. What actions could you take as a councillor to encourage this?
  • Our town feels increasingly divided and polarised. What will you do locally to bring us together?


  • None of the safe cycling routes from Adur District Council’s 2020 Local Cycling and Walking and Infrastructure Plan have been implemented. What can be done to move this forward, particularly the key routes of the A259 Brighton Road and the A270 Upper Shoreham Road?
  • How can cooperation between Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council be enhanced, to ensure both councils can work together more quickly on improvements to our area?

Adur Collective Community Land Trust

  • What will you do to help community-led housing groups like Adur Collective Community Land Trust – who will provide truly affordable homes – be a success in Adur?
  • If elected, what will you do as a councillor to make sure there is more community-led and social housing in Adur?
  • What will you do to encourage developers to work with Adur Collective Community Land Trust as a way to ensure they meet their planning obligations for affordable homes?


  • Adur suffers disruption in many areas from loss of foul waste facilities, inundated sewers, overtopping ditches, flooding in gardens, roads and developments. What action will you take to rectify these issues?
  • Recommendations were made by consultants in 2014 to improve traffic flow on the A259 through Shoreham. How would you work with WSCC and residents to implement these changes?
  • From the lighthouse to the yacht club, there will be 18 blocks of flats housing 4000+ residents. What would you do to create leisure facilities that enhance the environment for Shoreham people?

Join in the conversation at

Graphics courtesy of the Electoral Commission

Ever since its establishment almost forty years ago, the Shoreham Society has maintained a non-party political position in all of its activities.


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