Tree Festival in June
Already the days lengthen, the bulbs are nudging into view, and we sense the seasons moving on. Picture bright and warmth filled June days, trees still light green with new growth, and read on. This June, Shoreham will be hosting a Tree Festival with events for all ages around our town. Majoring on the Weekends of …...
Shoreham Street Trees
Do you have a favourite tree near your home that pleases you endlessly? Are you looking forward to the spring burst of leaf and blossom? Would you like to celebrate the tree related things happening in our tree deprived town and learn about more being planned? Trees are marvellous things, aren’t they? Producing oxygen, communicating...
Buckingham Park Nature Boards
On Wednesday 2nd August an unveiling event was held in Buckingham Park for two Nature Boards, one by the children’s playground and a second one near Apron Community Garden. This was the culmination of work by Friends of Buckingham Park with funding from Transition Together and Adur District Council and the input of Sussex Wildlife...
Retrofit and Your Home
Is the cost- of-living crisis making you yearn for lower bills, but struggling to choose what to do? Perhaps you are thinking of extending or remodelling and want to understand why having a whole house plan can help avoid unintended consequences? Or are you wondering if your home is one of Britains’ “leakiest homes”, and …...
An Electrifying Tale?
So we are in an “energy crisis”. How did huge energy price hikes and the prospect of power cuts come about? Could renewable energy have more of a role in preventing this happening in future? Why are my costs rising when I’m with a green energy provider just using electricity? Here is a potted history …...
Rampion 2: Essential
or Spoiling the View?
Living in Shoreham, we have quickly become used to seeing Rampion 1 and even judging what the weather will be from what we can or cannot see of it. Many of us admire the symmetry and silence of this offshore energy generation, and are pleased to see that nature has recovered so well where the …...
Support the Poplar!
The threatened tree outside the Duke of Wellington Pub is fast becoming a rallying point for people in Shoreham who care about our town and want to see it succeed and be a great place to live going forward. Concerns are many and varied, but centre around the sheer numbers and sizes of housing development …...
Tree hugging, planting and more
Many of us feel intuitively that being near trees is good for our state of mind, but modern life can let us forget that. Lockdown sharpened the focus on nature and we found ourselves in amongst them again, if not actually hugging them (though research tells us that really does help). The United Kingdom has …...