Development, Town Centre


Good or Bad Conservation
– in a Conservation Area?

With the ‘urgent’ need for housing, Shoreham-by-Sea has become a building site. The developments on the Western Harbour Arm and the riverside make themselves known by their size and they surround the historic town centre. Within the town there are two new prospective developments in the conservation area itself: a redevelopment of...

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We are Friends of
Shoreham-by-Sea Station

Since the start of 2022 the Shoreham Society has been a formal “Friend of Shoreham Station” as part of the South East Community Rail Partnership scheme. “What”, I hear you say, “does this mean?” Essentially, Community Rail Partnerships are local groups who “… work with (the rail) industry,  delivering a range of...

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Development, Heritage

Protecting the Historic Environment

What do you know about conservation areas? How are they defined and do they protect the historic environment? What should be protected and what should not? At what point does an area cease to be of conservation value? The conservation areas of Kingston Buci and Old Shoreham were last reviewed in the 1990s. Adur District …...

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