On Wednesday 2nd August an unveiling event was held in Buckingham Park for two Nature Boards, one by the children’s playground and a second one near Apron Community Garden. This was the culmination of work by Friends of Buckingham Park with funding from Transition Together and Adur District Council and the input of Sussex Wildlife Trust whose representative Amanda Reeves cut the ribbon.
As David Attenborough said “Cherish the natural world, because you’re part of it and you depend on it”. We hope the boards will inspire park users to look at other areas of the park they may not usually visit, and to look more closely at the wide variety of nature that the park provides.

Friends of Buckingham Park are working with the Council to develop and enhance the natural habitat of Buckingham Park and are also keen to improve existing facilities for all users. Our next project is to develop a Butterfly Garden near the playground and nursery – look out for our crowdfunder to chip in!
If you are interested in getting involved in any way, or would like to join Friends of Buckingham Park (£2 voluntary contribution) please email friendsofbuckinghampark@virginmedia.com. Litter picking is carried out on the last Sunday on each month at 2.30pm. And keep an eye on the Notice Boards in the park or visit on Facebook (Friends of Buckingham Park) to follow our activities and events.