The Shoreham Society is hosting a Zoom talk given by the Sussex Dolphin Project. Launched in 2018 as a project of the World Cetacean Alliance, it is committed to protecting dolphins through Research, Awareness and Education. Its citizen science programme gives the community a chance to get involved and help them to study marine mammals.

Event Date:
Jan 20 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Research into marine mammals off the coast of Sussex has so far been minimal. With the busy shipping traffic, commercial fishery and high recreational use, it was presumed that this would be an area with low marine mammal activity. However, anecdotal and historical evidence indicated that this is not the case and we are beginning to learn more about these animals thanks to citizen science.

The Sussex Dolphin Project will share their expertise with us and show how we can support and be involved in the Project.

The talk will be exclusively on Zoom and free to attend. The Zoom link for this talk is

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Last modified: January 4, 2023