Friends of Old Shoreham
Celebrating the heritage of Old Shoreham
Improving the local environment
Building a community in our neighbourhood
FOldS, the Friends of Old Shoreham
FOldS is a new group which aims to protect and improve the heritage and environment of Old Shoreham, through local community action.
Old Shoreham is the original village and rural parish of modern Shoreham-by-Sea, spanning from the River Adur to Buckingham Park and reaching into the South Downs National Park across Mill Hill, Slonk Hill and Thunderbarrow.
Members of FOldS are developing a new heritage trail from the Airport to the Downs, an exhibition of new and original art and a Heritage Festival from 6-15 September 2024 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Old Shoreham Conservation Area, which was recently extended to include the Old Toll Bridge.
See the full programme of activities in the Old Shoreham Heritage Festival, September 2024.
Find out more about how FOldS is taking a fresh perspective.
Contact for more information and to join the mailing list.
Image courtesy of Adur District Council