
Shoreham Society

If you have an interest in this wonderful, historic town become a member of the Shoreham Society.


More members. More influence.

If you really care about Shoreham’s appearance, its facilities, its economy and its quality of life, join us and add your influence.

Membership costs only £5 a year for an individual or £8 for a couple (reduced to £3 single and £5 couple for seniors). Benefits include the society journals and other updates, reduced entry at events, and the satisfaction of knowing that you are contributing to the welfare of our town.

To join/renew online, please complete the details below and click the "Submit" button:
Already a member?(Required)
(If already a member, please give your name and email (required) and update any other details that have changed. YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE ANYTHING ELSE, apart from the amount of your subscription/donation/total, whether you are paying by Standing Order and/or are now signing up to Gift Aid)
Second person's title and name if joint membership:
Joint member's email (if different from first-named member):
Contact Preferences:

Optional extra information

(useful guide to membership profile)
Age range:
Work situation:
Might you be interested in getting more actively involved with the society? If so, click Yes and someone will be in touch.
You can pay by direct bank transfer to: Sort code: 60-19-17 Account number: 05405181 Account name: The Shoreham Society. For the payment reference, please add your name.
Payment by standing order is very welcome, so when making the payment please follow your bank's method of setting up a standing order if you have not already done so. Thank you.
Membership subscriptions are due on 1 April annually and are currently £5 a year for an individual or £8 for a couple (reduced to £3 single and £5 couple for seniors). Additional donations are very welcome to help meet costs.
If you are paying by standing order please tick here:
Gift Aid. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like the Shoreham Society to reclaim tax (it costs you nothing but adds 28p to every £1 you send), please agree to this declaration: "I wish the Shoreham Society to reclaim tax on my subscription / donation until otherwise instructed. I will tell the society if I cease to be a taxpayer and therefore no longer able to participate in Gift Aid."
Data security note: Individual membership details are held securely, are never shared with third parties and are used only for the society's own membership records.
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