It is with great sadness that we learned that Marilyn Stafford, who was 97, passed away at the beginning of 2023. Marilyn was a remarkable photojournalist who lived here in Shoreham for many years. You may have seen the major exhibition of her work at the Brighton Museum & Art Gallery last year or the inspiring talk about her life in photography that she gave to the Shoreham Society in 2021.

As various members of the Shoreham Society have remarked: “Marilyn was an extraordinary human being! … She was a lovely lady, always interested in other people … Passionate, focused, driven. You only had to talk with her for a minute to understand that. And yes, always interested in other people, and offering encouragement”.

Marilyn Stafford was given a great send-off here on the streets of Shoreham in January. Dozens of friends, family and photographers turned up to see her colourful cardboard coffin being wheeled around town to the sound of live music, laughter and perhaps a few quiet tears. SOLD on the High Street presented a wonderful display of her photographs in a moving tribute to a “Friend, neighbour and Local Legend”.

If you would like to know more about Marilyn’s remarkable life as a photographer read this piece by Simon Hattenstone or watch the video of her talk for the Shoreham Society.

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Last modified: February 28, 2023