Marilyn Stafford is a remarkable British photographer who lives in Shoreham-by-Sea. She worked mainly as a freelance photojournalist based in Paris in the 1950s and early 1960s, then in London, travelling to Lebanon, Tunisia, India and elsewhere. Her work was published in The Observer and other newspapers. Stafford also worked as a fashion photographer in Paris, where she photographed models in the streets in everyday situations, rather than in the more usual opulent surroundings.

She has recently published a retrospective of her work, “Marilyn Stafford: A Life in Photography”, encompassing a wide selection of photographs from her international archive spanning five decades from 1948-1983.

Other books by Marilyn Stafford include “Silent Stories: A Photographic Journey Through Lebanon in the Sixties” and “Stories in Pictures 1950: A Photographic Memoir” of Paris in the 1950s.

In 2020 she was awarded the Chairman’s Lifetime Achievement Award 2019 at the UK Picture Editors’ Guild Awards in London.

Cover of book published by Bluecoat Press, October 2021

Marilyn lives here in Shoreham-by-Sea and we are privileged that she will be giving a Zoom-based talk to us on Tuesday 7th December as part of the occasional Shoreham Society Network series.

More information about her amazing life and career and a portfolio of some her renowned photos can be seen on her website

Tuesday, 7th December, 7.00pm
On Zoom:

Thanks to Wikipedia for the biographical information about Marilyn Stafford

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Last modified: November 24, 2021