Community, Environment

Park Avenue Trees

Over two years ago two couples from Park Avenue, Shoreham-by-Sea heard an inspirational talk at a meeting of the Shoreham Society about the planting of trees in the verges in Roslyn Road. They decided to test the feeling for this in their road and began speaking to some of their neighbours. Unfortunately, COVID then struck …...

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Marilyn Stafford: A Life in Photography

Marilyn Stafford is a remarkable British photographer who lives in Shoreham-by-Sea. She worked mainly as a freelance photojournalist based in Paris in the 1950s and early 1960s, then in London, travelling to Lebanon, Tunisia, India and elsewhere. Her work was published in The Observer and other newspapers. Stafford also worked as a...

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Development, Town Centre

Smile, Think and be Proud of Shoreham

When a new development is announced people often ask how the developers are going make a positive contribution and give back to the local community. Developments that have a significant impact on the local area provide Section 106 funding towards things like health services, education, fire services and policing. Although extra money is...

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Development, Heritage

Protecting the Historic Environment

What do you know about conservation areas? How are they defined and do they protect the historic environment? What should be protected and what should not? At what point does an area cease to be of conservation value? The conservation areas of Kingston Buci and Old Shoreham were last reviewed in the 1990s. Adur District …...

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Development, Environment


Support the Poplar!

The threatened tree outside the Duke of Wellington Pub is fast becoming a rallying point for people in Shoreham who care about our town and want to see it succeed and be a great place to live going forward. Concerns are many and varied, but centre around the sheer numbers and sizes of housing development …...

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Development, Environment

Shoreham – a Town in Transition?

What if we could imagine what we would like Shoreham to be like in say, 10 years time? And then, what if we could actually make it happen? What would we need to do? And how might we go about that? Shoreham, like everywhere really, is a town in transition. Some things we like about …...

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Tree hugging, planting and more

Many of us feel intuitively that being near trees is good for our state of mind, but modern life can let us forget that. Lockdown sharpened the focus on nature and we found ourselves in amongst them again, if not actually hugging them (though research tells us that really does help). The United Kingdom has …...

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Community, Town Centre

What party hat will you wear to the Shoreham Summer Festival?

Shoreham-by-Sea is holding a Summer Festival on Saturday 14th August. The Shoreham Independent Traders Collective and saydesignUK are putting on the event with help from The Ropetackle Arts Centre and Adur & Worthing Council. From the railway station to the Ferry Bridge, Shoreham will be packed with street entertainment, arts and...

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Development, Environment

• One Comment

The Meads is keeping the grass natural

Adur District Council has just announced that it will support a plan to upgrade The Meads recreation ground using natural turf and significantly improved drainage. It’s a result that the residents have been campaigning for – “keep the meads grass + improve the drainage” – for over two years. It has prevailed over a competing...

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Cycling and walking improvements.
Have your say

West Sussex County Council have launched the next stage in the consultation process for the proposed Shoreham-by-Sea Walking and Cycling Improvements. The consultation opens on Monday 5th July and will run until Sunday 1st August. The link to the consultation portal can be found at, where you will also find...

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