New rainfall drainage techniques are being explored for proposed developments in Brighton Road and Shoreham Harbour to reduce the risk of local flooding.

An initiative by a partnership of local councils, coastal flood bodies, the port authority, developers and environmental experts aims to reduce the overloading of sewers and underground drainage courses. Research which began last year is being extended because flood risks are increasing with climate change and coastal development plans.

The project is exploring the feasibility, design challenges and potential benefits of directing rooftop rainfall drainage from waterfront developments over the sea wall rather than down through the underground drainage networks.

A County Council statement said: “The geography of the coastline of West Sussex presents significant challenges for managing storm run-off following heavy rainfall. As a result of this project we hope to reduce the risk of surface water flooding for coastal communities in Shoreham.”

More details and links to background information papers are given in a WSCC information webpage.

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Last modified: June 28, 2021