Priorities for Adur District Council

A report by the Chief Executive Officer of Adur and Worthing District Councils. This report sets out the plans and ambitions of the administration going forward, through 2022/2023 and beyond. The recommendations in the report were unanimously supported at a meeting of the Joint Strategic Sub-Committee (Adur) on 29 September 2022 and the plans for change and delivery set out in the report were noted and approved.

Brief for Review of Development on the Western Harbour Arm

Report by Adur District Council’s Director of Economy with brief for a review of development of the Western Harbour Arm as part of the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Area. (It was presented to the Adur Planning Committee on 3 October 2022).

Shoreham Cement Works

Click on the link below or the image to download an extract from the South Downs National Park Authority 2019 Local Plan about the Shoreham Cement Works Strategic Site.Shoreham Cement Works(If you want to see the whole 354-page South Downs National Park 2019 Local Plan you can find it on their website here).


Joint Area Action Plan 2019

The Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) was adopted by Adur District Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and West Sussex County Council in 2019. The plan sets the strategic development and land-use priorities for the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Area up to 2032, and contains the policies against which development management decisions within that area will be made.


Adur Local Plan 2017

The Adur Local Plan provides a comprehensive vision and strategy for the future of Adur (outside of the South Downs National Park) until 2032. It is being reviewed in 2024/25 to extend its validity for a further five years.Click on any of the images below to download the report or the policies maps. The resources are also on the Adur & Worthing Councils website.
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Last modified: October 29, 2024

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