What do you know about conservation areas? How are they defined and do they protect the historic environment? What should be protected and what should not? At what point does an area cease to be of conservation value?

The conservation areas of Kingston Buci and Old Shoreham were last reviewed in the 1990s. Adur District Council has recently reviewed them again, and will soon commence consultation on draft Character Appraisals, and potential Article 4 directions (which could affect ‘permitted development’ rights for properties within the areas). It is a dry subject but the decisions made from these reviews protect the character of the area which is why they are highly desirable to live in. However, living in a conservation zone brings responsibility to house holders if they want to make changes to their property.

Consultation on Boundary Changes

Some boundary changes are being considered in both conservation areas and the Council needs to consult the community over the proposed changes. The consultation documents and response forms will be published on the Council’s website when the consultation starts on 25th November. (It ends on 20th January 2022). You can also find copies at the Shoreham Centre and Shoreham Library during the consultation period. The two draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal documents for Kingston Buci and Old Shoreham are especially worth reading for a general history lesson.

Yeakall and Gardner Map of Sussex 1778-1783 showing Old and New Shoreham and the Buckingham estate to the east

So, from historic buildings, to streetscape, open spaces and industrial archaeology, join the Shoreham Society and representatives from Adur District Council to find out what a conservation area is, what designation seeks to do and what changes are proposed. The Council’s Heritage consultant will be in attendance to answer your questions.

Friday, November 19th, 7.30pm
Shoreham Centre, Queen Elizabeth II Room
Admission FREE
Event details here

The sketch of Old Shoreham is by Bruce Johnson in the 1993 Conservation Area Report

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Last modified: November 22, 2023