For some years now the Shoreham Society has argued for a more holistic view of the wider impact of development and growth when individual large-scale planning applications are considered by Adur District Council. All too often it has seemed that we can only react to each new proposal in terms of narrow planning regulations or specific environmental or design issues each one raises. That’s not to belittle those concerns, but it can make us feel that all of us – the Council and the community – are forever on the back foot against commercial developers when it comes to influencing and shaping the future of our town.

But there’s a hint of change and optimism in the wind. The community is making its voice heard more. Developers’ plans are no longer a simple fait accompli – they get pushed back, they even get changed. And our representatives and decision-makers do seem to want to engage and listen rather more.

Roadside trees, school places, playing fields, public hards, the water we swim in and the air we breathe – these are things that make the future of our places. And we must make sure our voices continue to be heard.

The successful protest to save the poplar tree on Brighton Road shows what can be achieved through positive engagement

So What’s the Plan?

We are delighted to welcome on June 16th two key figures from Adur District Council to lead the Shoreham Society’s Friday evening talk and discussion on the topic of Regeneration, Planning and the Future of our Places.

Councillor Steve Neocleous (Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Strategic Planning) will focus on the positives that the regeneration of Shoreham and Adur will bring. Martin Randall (Director for Place, with overall responsibility for planning and the local economy) will place key projects in Shoreham within a national context and show how we can “capture the development premium”.

We are looking forward to an honest exchange around the pros and cons of the planning system, the role of the Council and the projects on which it can collaborate in partnership with local communities. We are also keen to understand how the forthcoming update to the Adur Local Plan will support future social, environmental and sustainable economic development, yield vital infrastructure improvements and offer a vision of a better Shoreham-by-Sea for all in the years to come.

Shoreham Centre, QE II Room, 7.00pm, Friday 16th June.
(£2 members £3 non-members, on the door).

Buildings on East Street photo by Robin Webster – cc-by-sa/2.0

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Last modified: June 13, 2023