Shoreham Cement Works

Click on the link below or the image to download an extract from the South Downs National Park Authority 2019 Local Plan about the Shoreham Cement Works Strategic Site.

Shoreham Cement Works

(If you want to see the whole 354-page South Downs National Park 2019 Local Plan you can find it on their website here).

Frosts Development Exhibition

This is the letter sent to local residents on 10th May 2022 by a director of Shoreham Brighton Road Ltd. This company submitted a planning application in August 2021, which received over 120 representations from residents, to replace the Frosts Garage with a residential development. The letter was to announce a half-day public exhibition on Monday 16th May. Click on the image to download a PDF of the letter. 

How to Object to a Planning Application

Here is a collection of useful resources to help you if you wish to comment on or object to a planning application. If you haven’t submitted an objection before we strongly recommend that you read this guidance to help you make your points most effectively.

Material Planning Considerations

How to Object

How to Write an Objection Letter

How to Object Online


Shoreham Port – Our Future

A Visions of Shoreham talk and discussion led by Tom Willis, Chief Executive of Shoreham Port, on 18th February 2022.

Download the slide presentation which accompanied the talk.


Giving a Voice to Wildlife in the Planning System

A Shoreham Network talk by Laura Brook, Conservation Officer at Sussex Wildlife  Trust, 21st January 2022

Laura Brook describes how Sussex Wildlife Trust engages with the strategic planning process and why that is important for wildlife.

The 2017-2032 Adur Local Plan is in the early stages of its statutory 5-year review. Laura explains in detail the review process, the public consultations and how to participate in them, emphasising the importance and value of doing so to help protect and preserve our local natural environment for the benefit of wildlife and people.


Adur Communities Together Public Meeting 18th October 2021

The first meeting of Adur Communities Together to share concerns, ideas and actions in response to planning applications for new housing developments in Shoreham and the local area.

Part 1, before the break, covers development & building quality, parking, pollution and transport.

Part 2, after the mid-meeting break, covers health, education and an open discussion.

Slides from ACT Public Meeting 18th October 2021


Sussex Yacht Club New Clubhouse

At the Shoreham Society AGM in 2021, Dan Jenkins, the architect of the newly completed clubhouse of the Sussex Yacht Club gave an illuminating talk about the background, the design and construction of this landmark building in Shoreham-by-Sea.

Download the Presentation Slides


Adur Health Partnership 2021

Not only have the doctors in Shoreham and Southwick have had to deal with Covid-19, they have also had the excitement of a merger of three practices. In May 2021, Dr Mark Halloran of the Adur Health Partnership spoke about the previous 12 months, the future and life on the GP front line.


Adur Collective Community Land Trust 2021

A community led solution to the lack of truly affordable housing for many people living and working in Adur. In May 2021, Linda McCanna and Steve Creed from the Community Land Trust gave a talk about how as a new organisation it wants to develop community led housing, providing affordable, decent and secure homes for those priced out of the private market.

Presentation Slides


Shoreham Society 2020 Survey Report

This is the full report of the survey we conducted in 2020 to find out what matters most to people who live in Shoreham. Our analysis of the 668 individual responses and 2700 comments is essential reading.


Reinstating Shoreham-by-Sea Railway Underpass in 2021

A report by Adrian Towler for Southeast Communities Rail Partnership 2nd December 2020


Joint Area Action Plan 2019

The Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) was adopted by Adur District Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and West Sussex County Council in 2019. The plan sets the strategic development and land-use priorities for the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Area up to 2032, and contains the policies against which development management decisions within that area will be made.


Adur Local Plan 2017

The Adur Local Plan provides a comprehensive vision and strategy for the future of Adur (outside of the South Downs National Park) until 2032. It is being reviewed in 2022/23 to extend its validity for a further five years.

Click on any of the images below to download the report or the policies maps. The resources are also on the Adur & Worthing Councils website.

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Last modified: May 15, 2023

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