The threatened tree outside the Duke of Wellington Pub is fast becoming a rallying point for people in Shoreham who care about our town and want to see it succeed and be a great place to live going forward.
Concerns are many and varied, but centre around the sheer numbers and sizes of housing development and their height and density. Shoreham already has stretched resources and a fragile environment, as those of us seeking a reasonably priced place to rent, school places, a doctors’ appointment, clean air to breathe, or just to get across town know only too well. The Shoreham Society are calling for a holistic review of ALL of the planned developments and their cumulative impact on our infrastructure and society before any more planning permissions are granted.
The tree itself typifies the approach which profit hungry developers seem to succeed with locally, as it was included in the initial consultation plans and was specifically mentioned as being worth retaining by the planning officers, providing a height break between the pub and high rise flats. The tree has vanished from the formal planning application which is now submitted and seems set to be the latest in a long line of lost mature trees and their associated ecosystems (such as the new Monks Farm ones) which are greatly valued by locals, needed for our environment and absolutely should be retained.

Objections have also been made on many other grounds to these recent trio of planning applications*, including the many departures from the Adur Local Plan and Joint Area Action Plan and that the noise assessment was completed when the much-loved Duke of Wellington Pub was closed and therefore silent during Lockdown. The Shoreham Society amongst others are calling for a genuine say for local residents in these decisions.
To sign the Shoreham Poplar front petition go to
*65-71 Brighton Road (Frosts), Howard Kent Site, Civic Centre Site
Save our Trees!
Why are the council allowing such monstrosities to be built in Shoreham. I have lived here all my life and am appalled at how this hamlet is being ruined by money loving developers. Places like Midhurst would never allow this. Can we view this stated waiting list although we read many properties stand empty. The precious poplar tree MUST be saved! Are Hyde homes going to increase doctors surgeries, hospitals etc? Has tory Tim Loughton spoken on these important matters?
Hi Gillian, to see why so much property is being built look no further than government targets and a planning system which at the moment prioritises building on former industrial or housing sites. Many would argue with the targets – as a nation do we really need that many, but it surely makes sense to use brownfield sites if building has to happen? Sadly our new Prime Minister is reportedly thinking of allowing building in protected nature areas. It doesn’t have to be like this, but as a nation we voted them in. The housing waiting list contains peoples’ names and details so I for one am happy that it should be confidential. We can however hold our councillors to account by asking questions at council meetings etc.. I understand Tim Loughton has said he can’t see what all the fuss is about re the poplar tree. To me it seems to have ignited a spark in the people of Shoreham.