On Friday 19 April we are pleased to welcome Richard Allan and Tony Benton from the Shoreham District Ornithological Society to give a talk about the birds that rely on the environment of the Adur Estuary.

Here’s Richard’s outline of their talk and photos of just two of the many birds that visit the river estuary.

The Adur Estuary is a very special place – a protected but fragile habitat that is home to a wide range of birds at various times of the year. Come and hear about the birds that spend their winter holidays feeding on the Estuary and the other species that use it like a service station, to rest and refuel, on their mega migration journeys to and from their northerly breeding grounds.


You will be inspired to go and look at the river through new eyes, to connect to nature, and marvel at the wonders of avian migration. And you will be alerted to the many ecological pressures unfolding on our watch affecting the Adur’s wildlife. By the end of the talk, you will want to become an ambassador for the river and nature restoration. You might also want to call yourself a birdwatcher!


Find out more about the Shoreham District Ornithological Society by visiting their website. There are dozens of wonderful photos to see of birds that visit or live in Shoreham and our surroundings.

And come to Richard and Tony’s Adur Estuary talk on Friday 19 April at 7pm in the Shoreham Centre, Room 3. £2 members, £3 non-members.

PS the photo at the top of the page is of a flock of Snipe in flight, also courtesy of SDOS.

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Last modified: April 3, 2024