On Friday 22nd April, the Shoreham Society is pleased to welcome Ian Pattinson, Senior Regeneration Manager from Southern Housing Group to a Visions of Shoreham evening to discuss the new Mannings development alongside AHR architects.

Who are Southern Housing Group?

Southern Housing Group are one of England’s largest housing associations providing more than 30,000 homes for over 77,000 people.

The Group is currently developing in London and the Southeast including The Mannings and Free Wharf in Shoreham by Sea. In total the Group will be providing over 600 new homes in the Shoreham area for private sale and affordable tenures, including social rent and shared ownership.

The event offers a unique opportunity to understand the development process and how Southern Housing Group champions co-design with their residents and the wider community. It will discuss the challenges and drivers behind regeneration in attempting to balance design quality with value and local community expectations.

A representative from the contractor, Real, will also be in attendance to discuss the construction process.

There will be a presentation and then an open forum for questions.

Shoreham Centre, Room 3, 7.30pm, Friday April 2
(£2 members, £3 non-members, on the door)

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Last modified: April 13, 2022