Since the start of 2022 the Shoreham Society has been a formal “Friend of Shoreham Station” as part of the South East Community Rail Partnership scheme.

“What”, I hear you say, “does this mean?”

Essentially, Community Rail Partnerships are local groups who “… work with (the rail) industry,  delivering a range of community engagement and promotional activities.  They promote understanding of the importance of local railways, in terms of improving mobility and sustainable travel, community cohesion and wellbeing, and social and economic development”.

Or in plain speak…

It is almost anything that the community wants from enhancing the station appearance to advising station operators on timetabling, to promoting other forms transport and making the most of tourism by rail. Our initial thoughts are to improve the local information boards, make the best use of the waiting room, review with station staff what they think needs improving and making contact with other community rail groups along the line to see what they have done. 

The freshly updated waiting room with the Lions charity bookcase and the noticeboard managed by the Shoreham Society

Shoreham Station is not just a point of arrival and departure, it is at the heart of Shoreham-by-Sea and could be a showcase for the town.  We need ideas and volunteers to make the “Friends of Shoreham Station” work, whether it’s an arts or history project, community gardening or an information point for what is going on in the town.  If you have ideas and want to volunteer please contact us via

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Last modified: February 1, 2023