A guest article by Ruby Stothard from Sussex Underwater on the background to a Shoreham Society talk on 19 July 2024.

Sussex Underwater are a group of passionate local divers who love filming the diverse life in our Sussex seas, so that this underwater world is no longer out of sight, out of mind. In 2021, a nearshore trawling ban was passed in Sussex aiming to take the pressure off the ecosystem after 97% of our kelp forests, a vital marine habitat, were lost.

3 years on, we are noticing some fantastic signs of recovery! With visibility finally clearing up, the dive season has officially begun and the Sussex Underwater team are busy under the waves recording the magnificent life that is returning to our waters. Paul Boniface, based in West Sussex, has captured mind-blowing footage of cuttlefish, catsharks and stingrays roaming Bognor Reef, an area a few miles off the coast of Bognor Regis that was once decimated by trawlers but is now teeming with life again. Newer members of the team recently had the privilege of witnessing the young, healthy kelp that has re-established itself there, which was a positive reminder of the impact of advocating for nature.

Elsewhere, we are seeing the re-growth of dense mussel beds, a crucial part of the habitat which form strong foundations for kelp to grow upon. Sussex Underwater strongly believe that if we give nature space, it will return, but we all need to work together to achieve this.

As demonstrated by Eric Smith’s role in getting the 2021 trawling byelaw passed, the power of the individual can be invaluable, so Sussex Underwater are ever-grateful for the community effort to spread awareness and share their story. Recently, followers had their say in the public consultation regarding a ban of bottom trawling in the Beachy Head Marine Conservation Zone, an area of unique wildlife worthy of protection. Back on dry land, the Sussex Underwater team has been busy giving talks to the Sussex community, spreading glimmers of hope that our beautifully diverse sea life is recovering.

On Friday 19th July Eric Smith and his daughter Catrine will be giving an illustrated talk to the Shoreham Society about the work of Sussex Underwater. It promises to be a wonderful opportunity to showcase the unique local underwater wildlife which often leads to disbelief that their footage is really filmed in Sussex!

We look forward to seeing you at St Peter’s Church Hall, West St, Shoreham at 7pm on Friday 19th July, and hope that you will walk away inspired by what can happen if we give nature a voice. £3 on the door.

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Last modified: June 27, 2024