Development, Town Centre

Sussex Yacht Club Award

With the Sussex Regatta in full swing, representatives from the Shoreham Society headed over to the Sussex Yacht Club to present the club and architects, ECD (Energy Conscious Design), with an award for the progressive and sympathetic design of their new clubhouse. Jason Sutherland-Rowe spoke on behalf of the Society, praising the club...

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What’s the Future for
the Cement Works?

The old Shoreham cement works and quarry along the Steyning Road have been disused for over 30 years. Various ideas, plans and projects have been mooted for this huge eyesore of a site including an ‘Eden Project’, a holiday village, dry ski slope and even a dinosaur park. Back in 2003, a planning application for …...

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Development, Environment

Rampion 2: Essential
or Spoiling the View?

Living in Shoreham, we have quickly become used to seeing Rampion 1 and even judging what the weather will be from what we can or cannot see of it. Many of us admire the symmetry and silence of this offshore energy generation, and are pleased to see that nature has recovered so well where the …...

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Meeting the Council

The Shoreham Society regularly meets with other groups and organisations to better understand their priorities, exchange ideas and views, and look for common areas of collaboration and support. This includes meeting with Adur & Worthing Council, however, these meetings are different for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the Shoreham...

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The Mannings
Meet the Developer

On Friday 22nd April, the Shoreham Society is pleased to welcome Ian Pattinson, Senior Regeneration Manager from Southern Housing Group to a Visions of Shoreham evening to discuss the new Mannings development alongside AHR architects. Who are Southern Housing Group? Southern Housing Group are one of England’s largest housing...

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Community, Development

We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us

When developers publish plans we tend to focus on aspects like the number of storeys, materials used, affordability, energy efficiency ­– which are all important, but do we take enough time to consider the effect of these buildings on the people who will live or work in them? The developers of residential units are building homes...

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Development, Environment

Planning and Biodiversity

This year, the 2017 Adur Local Plan will be reviewed and its horizon extended for a further five years to 2037. As part of the review the Council is required to “address a range of issues such as nature conservation and restoration, open space and green infrastructure, and climate change mitigation and adaptation”. See Jennifer...

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Development, Town Centre

Smile, Think and be Proud of Shoreham

When a new development is announced people often ask how the developers are going make a positive contribution and give back to the local community. Developments that have a significant impact on the local area provide Section 106 funding towards things like health services, education, fire services and policing. Although extra money is...

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Development, Heritage

Protecting the Historic Environment

What do you know about conservation areas? How are they defined and do they protect the historic environment? What should be protected and what should not? At what point does an area cease to be of conservation value? The conservation areas of Kingston Buci and Old Shoreham were last reviewed in the 1990s. Adur District …...

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Development, Environment


Support the Poplar!

The threatened tree outside the Duke of Wellington Pub is fast becoming a rallying point for people in Shoreham who care about our town and want to see it succeed and be a great place to live going forward. Concerns are many and varied, but centre around the sheer numbers and sizes of housing development …...

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